Sister Danette Wright, Worthy Matron
(1995 to present)
I greet you in the spirit of Unity, Love and
Peace. A sincere welcome is extended to all Members of International Free and Accepted Modern Masons and Order
of the Eastern Star, Inc. and Visitors . To our visitors, I
am honored by your presence and pray that the time spent with us will be a pleasant memory.
The Lord is my rock
and my salvation. He has blessed me, and given me the opportunity to serve as Worthy Matron of the best Chapter
in Michigan. It is truly an honor and a privilege to serve in this capacity.
Adah Chapter
#125 initiated me on April 8, 1989 under the leadership of Sister Viola Edwards. Our members
are very dedicated and supportive of each other.
My theme is “God
helps those who persevere”. Why this theme
because, God continues
to bless Adah Chapter 125 and we shall continue to persevere in all our endeavors. As Worthy Matron my
intention is to represent our chapter with the strength, integrity,
and dignity. This is my prayer.